115.900,00 €
Neto cena brez ddv je 95.000 €.
SunCamper 35 je popoln čoln za najem kot tudi rekreacijska družinska križarjenja do 10 oseb (dan). Nastala je na podlagi osemletnih izkušenj pri izdelavi svojega predhodnika – priljubljenega SunCamper 30.
SunCamper 35 izstopa s svojim modernim, edinstvenim dizajnom, hidrodinamično dovršenim trupom, neverjetno prostorno notranjostjo, majhnim ugrezom, ekonomičnimi stroški, odlična kakovost materialov in izdelave.
Skupna dolžina: 10,60 m
Dolžina trupa: 9,05 m (9,5 m)*
Največja širina: 3 m
Največji ugrez trupa: 0,64 / 0,70 m*
Višina nad vodno črto: 2,85** / 3,50 m
Moč motorja od: 25 – 115 KM
Dizelski notranji motor od: S-drive 27 – 60 KM
Teža čolna z motorjem: 4000 – 4200 kg
Posoda za gorivo: 120 – 190 l
Rezervoar za vodo: 240 l
Posoda za odpadke: 120 l
Največje število oseb: 10
Ležišč za: 7 oseb
Na zalogi pri dobavitelju
Velik funkcionalen kokpit z mizo in številnimi udobnimi sedeži, fly bridge (sončna paluba in opcijska druga krmilna postaja), uporabna klop na premcu, svetel in prostoren salon z dobro opremljeno kuhinjo, dve udobni kopalnici in sedem spalnih mest s polno stojna višina (trije na razkošnem glavnem ležišču, dva na zadnjem ležišču in dva v dnevni sobi). Zaradi vsega tega je SunCamper 35 ekskluziven z visoko stopnjo udobja.
Velika steklena okna in krmna drsna vrata zagotavljajo odlično vidljivost na vse strani, bočna drsna vrata v prostoru za krmiljenje pa bo zagotovo cenil krmar, ko pride zraven ali se priveže. Potovalno hitrost, pa tudi moč, potrebno za zaščito pred slabim vremenom ali težkimi razmerami na vodi, bodo zagotavljali izvenkrmni motorji do 115 KM, stacionarni motorji in originalna oblika trupa z zelo majhnim hidrodinamičnim uporom. Zaradi varnosti so okoli celotnega čolna nameščene ograje.
Dobljeno zahvaljujoč izvenkrmnemu motorju v kombinaciji s premčnim propelerjem in posebno oblikovanimi kobilicami. Posebno oblikovane kobilice hkrati ščitijo dno in propeler motorja pred trkom v podvodne ovire.
Nizek desni bok, krmna ploščad, premčna vrata z majhno ploščadjo in majhen ugrez omogočajo enostaven pristop do bregov ali plaž tako s premca kot s krme.
SunCamper 35 bo vašo družino in prijatelje popeljal na nepozabno potovanje po težko dostopnih krajih zahvaljujoč: majhnemu ugrezu, omejeni širini čolna – 3 m (ozke zapore in kanali), optimalni višini nad vodno gladino 3,5 m; 2,9 m po postavitvi signalnega stebra ali samo 2,55 m po demontaži strešne ograje in oklepa ter postavitvi malega jambora za nizke mostove.
SunCamper 35 lahko poganjajo izvenkrmni motorji z močjo od 25 do 115 KM.
Za mirna jezera, kanale in reke s šibkim tokom je motor s 25 KM dovolj za doseganje 13 km/h. Za vožnjo s hišnim čolnom brez dovoljenja se priporočajo motorji do 50 KM, ki omogočajo doseganje hitrosti do 15 km/h.
Hitrost okoli 25 km/h je mogoče doseči z izvenkrmnim motorjem s 100 ali 115 KM. Priporočeno za uporabo na morju.
Poleg priporočenega izvenkrmnega motorja lahko SunCamper 35 poganja invertni stacionarni dizelski motor do 60 KM.
Poleg tega najnovejša tehnologija omogoča uporabo elektromotorjev.
Pri optimalnem motorju 50 KM in ekonomični hitrosti 10 km/h je poraba le 2,5 – 3 l/h.
Enostaven kopenski prevoz (ni potreben pilot)
To je mogoče zaradi zmerne velikosti plovila: širina 3 m – višina 4 m (na prikolici tovornjaka) – teža do 3,8 ton.
Naj vaš prosti čas postane pravi užitek s popolnoma novim varčnim SunCamperjem 35 sodobnega dizajna, odličnega upravljanja prostora in konkurenčne zmogljivosti.
Hull and deck white gelcoat color (antisliding surfaces)
Deck fittings made from A4 stainless steel (pulpits, railings)
Bow bench on deck
Bow anchor hatch
8 x cleats
Stern telescopic ladder with handles
Bow door
Mooring lines D 14mm ( 2 x 11m )
Place for gas bottle ( 11kg. )
Closing lockers in cockpit
Front panoramic glass window
Tinted glass side windows
Protective strip made of A4 steel on 3 keels
Fender rail
1 fire extinguisher in the cockpit-2 kilos
Aft doors closing the cockpit
Furniture made of HPL board
Spacious interior with full standing height
Helmsman seat in gray (front-back regulation and a raised pouf to
steer in a standing position) + mattresses and cabin seats (color to
Mattresses in the bow berth, stern berth and saloon (color to
choose according to the template)
Hydraulic steering system with steering wheel
Open double bow berth with an additional single berth on the port
side, cabinet, shelves, a UFO ventilator and an opening hatch
Open aft berth with shelves, a hatch opened in window and a
hatch opened from the cockpit side with a mosquito net
Dinette with table which can be lowered and used with mattresses
as double bed
The main (stern) laminate bathroom with washbasin, storage
under the washbasin, shower (outflow of water to the outside), a
shower curtain, an opening hatch, window with a curtain and
space for a toilet
Bow bathroom cabin with a washbasin, a storage under the
washbasin, a UFO ventilator and a place for a toilet
Kitchen section with two-burner gas cooker and sink, corian top,
cabinets, drawers
Gas installation with reducer
Cold water installation with pump ( hot water is when boiler is chosen)
Fresh water tank – 240 l. + indicator and sensor
Fuel tank approx. 190 l. + indicator and sensor
1 extinguisher near inside steering place – 2 kg
2 x side slide windows
Teak imitation floor in the cabin
Cabin sliding door ( consisting of 3 parts )
Side sliding door
Navigation lighting LED
Interior lighting LED (ceiling lamps and a LED strip under the
Electrical panel 8-pos. with fuses
1 x windshield wiper from steering man side
Sound signal
2 x electric bilge pumps
2 double USB sockets (1 pc. near console, 1 pc. near table in the
1 x battery 130 Ah (bow thruster)
1 x battery 130 Ah (use)
Distributor of electricity for 3 batteries
Current battery voltage indicator
Protection of the vital battery against total discharge (Battery
MerCathode Corrosion Monitoring System
Bow thruster with control panel Lewmar 140 mm – 2 kW
Additional options to SunCamper 35
Non-standard hull gelcoat colour: beige, grey or navy – blue
Anti-fouling paint (white, grey, navy-blue or black)
Additional fender rail on hull
Bow gangway with 2 step ladder
Electrical windlass steered from bow and pilothouse 700 W; galvanized chain 8mm – 30m long; galvanized anchor – 10 kg with swivel (bow gangway ladder required
Laminate stern platforms , a ladder mounted under the platform (instead of a standard ladder
Laminated cover for the outboard engine up to 60 HP (choice of option nr 6 required) Warning! The cover does not ensure complete lifting of the motor. Warning! The cover does not ensure complete lifting of the mot
Flybridge – second helmstation on the sun roof, steering wheel, foldable pilot chair, gear stick, skidding, double USB socket, control pannel of bow thruster, foldable seat, stop covers for console and pilotchair, windscreen
Windscreen on the sunroof (possibility to select the windscreen only if the flybridge option is not selected)
Sun roof mattress (grey)
Manual anchor set (line 30 m + anchor 7,5 kg)
Fenders’ set: 2 x triple fender baskets + 6 white fenders
Protection railing for outboard engine (can be installed when platform option no 6 is selected)
Chemical toilet in the main (stern) bathroom
Chemical toilet in bow bathroom (if a wardrobe option is not chosen)
Sea toilet – electric control in the main (stern) bathroom
Sea toilet – electric control in the bow bathroom (if a wardrobe option is not chosen)
Waste tank (120L) with macerator and level indicator (Possibility of pumping waste in the port or xternal outflow of waste by means of a macerator pump (option required when choosing electric toilets)
A wardrobe with a bottom shelf and a clothes railing instead of a bow bathroom (cut-out of washbasin module)
Shower pump which pumps dirty water from shower from main (stern) bathroom to waste tank (if this option is not chosen, then dirty water from shower goes directly outside boat)
Closure of aft cabin (door)
Hot water boiler 30L, with outboard engine water heating only from land (battery charger 220V needed, warm water in 2 bathrooms and kitchen)
Roof hatch with moskito net
Closure of the bow berth with plexiglass
Side hatch with moskito net in bow bathroom on right side
Top hatch in bow berth LEWMAR FLUSH with moskito net and a blackout blind
Seat with a folded backrest and lifting mechanism at the table
Mosquito nets (sliding cockpit door + side door)
Curtains for all glass windows (grey)
Carpets in the bow and stern berths and under the table (black)
Piping for mattresses in the mess hall (color of your choice)
Gas cooker with oven and grill instead of standard gas cooker
TV 22′ for 12 V with digital DVBT-2 antenna and regulated holder
Radio MP3, USB, BLOOTOOTH with 4 loudspeakers and antenna (2x inside boat and 2x in cockpit)
Fridge – 40 l for 12V
Fridge- 80l for 12V
Additional windshield wiper on left side
Search light on roof with electric control from pilothouse
Sound signal – trumpet (instead of signal from ST)
2 x battery chargers (220V eg. in port area), 2 port sockets on stern, 2 plugs with 15m cables to charge from land, galvanic isolator, 4 sockets 220 V + installation
Inverter from 12 V to 220 V/1600W VICTRON (additional battery required)
Inverter from 12 V to 220 V/ 3000W VICTRON (additional battery required)
Sonda i40 bidata Raymarine
Chart plotter Garmin ECHOMAP UHD2 72cv with transducer, screen 7″
Multifunction Raymarine 7 “Axiomi 7RV, MFD indicator with integrated Real Vision 3D, 600W sonar with transom transducer RV-100 + Navionics map to choose: 44XG-Map Baltic Sea (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Sweden) or 46XG-Central and West Europe (Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France)
4 double USB sockets (bow berth-2 pcs, stern berth -1 pcs, mess-1 pcs)
Additional use battery 130 Ah (gel)
Solar panels on the roof, power 225 W+ charging regulator
Additional payment for bow thruster with bigger power: VETUS 3.0 kW tunnel 150 mm, instead of std thruster: LEWMAR 2.0 kW, tunnel 140 mm
Stern thruster VETUS 3,0kW + gel battery 110Ah (battery charger 220V needed)
Webasto heating system WEBASTO EVO 40 (hot air in bow and stern berths, dinnete, main bathroom and cockpit)
Webasto heating systemWEBASTO EVO 55 (hot air in bow and stern berths, dinnete, main bathroom and cockpit)
Air conditioning 12000 BTU (only with the connection with 220V wire in the port area)-after availability confirmation
Cabrio (colour to chose: beige, grey, navy-blue)
Mattresses in cocpit + bow deck seat (grey)
Backrests in the cockpit
Teak imitation in cockpit
Plastic cockpit table (removable)
Wooden cockpit table (removable)
Triangular HPL cockpit table on telescopic, lowerable leg with mattres used as an additional bedding
Empty gas bottle (capacity 11 kg ) + mounting kit
Aft shower (hot/cold water), hot water only when boiler option is chosen, water uptake from fresh water tank
Manual bilge pump
Water system for cleaning deck, water uptake from outside
Foiling of boat
Update of specifications after approval of the order (payment for one update)
Engine 50 HP Mercury F50 ELPT CT EFI (High thrust), accessories, shifter, additional stabilizer (necessity to select option mounting in the shipyard the outboard engine)
Engine 60 HP Mercury F60 ELPT CT EFI (High thrust), accessories, shifter,additional stabilizer (necessity to select option mounting in the shipyard the outboard engine)
Engine 100 HP Mercury F100 ELPT CT EFI (High thrust), accessories, shifter,additional stabilizer (necessity to select option mounting in the shipyard the outboard engine)
Engine 115 HP Mercury F115 ELPT CT EFI (High thrust), accessories, shifter,additional stabilizer (necessity to select option mounting in the shipyard the outboard engine)
Preparation for mounting the outboard engine; a stainless steel frame+ additional stabilizator, battery harness, 100 Ah battery
Mounting in the shipyard the outboard engine with the equipment provided by the dealer / customer, (necessity to select option mounting in the shipyard the outboard engine)
Tilt sensor of the outboard motor
S-drive diesel engine Yanmar 57 HP with rudder, fuel tank 120L. instead of standard fuel tank 190L
S-drive diesel engine Yanmar 40 HP with rudder, fuel tank 120L. instead of standard fuel tank 190L
Full stern platforms with teak imitation on the all platform.( Installation possible only with inboard motor )
Dolžina | 11 |