BALT 1018 TITANIUM je polplanska jahta za križarjenje s prostorno dnevno sobo v zgornjem nivoju in prostornim kokpitom z dodatnim prostorom za sedenje. Zasnova jahte je rezultat razumevanja potreb uporabnikov in strank, za katere ni pomembna velikost čolna – temveč njena funkcionalnost, ki izhaja iz dobro premišljenih rešitev in prostora, manevriranja in elegance.

Nered, organiziran kot salon, je svetel, sončen in prijeten tako za krmarja kot za celotno posadko. Takšna ureditev notranjosti združuje udeležence križarjenja in omogoča, da so skupaj, ne glede na dejavnosti. Zastekljen kokpit omogoča občudovanje razgledov in hkrati ščiti pred vetrom in slabim vremenom.

Pod palubo sta 2 udobni spalni kabini, ki se lahko zakleneta. Odlikuje jih polna stojna višina, pa tudi razpoložljivost pohištvenih omar in udobnih ležišč polne velikosti. In vse to so skrbno, prijetno dokončali izkušeni čolnarji ladjedelnice Balt-Yacht. Tudi sanitarna kabina uporabnika ne omejuje – je svetla, ekonomična, prostorna in opremljena z vsemi potrebnimi instalacijami – stranišči, umivalniki, tuši, ogrevanjem in prezračevanjem.

Vodilni koncept pri oblikovanju BALT 1018 TITANIUM so bile besede slavnega arhitekta Ludwiga Miesa van der Roheja – »Manj je več«. Naloga je bila ustvariti jahto brez nepotrebnih pristranskih radovednosti in dekorativnih elementov. Oblikovalci so kos nalogi, ustvarili eleganten, brezčasen model, skladen v svojem slogu, očarljiv z uravnoteženimi proporci in preprostostjo šarma.

Dolga neurejena okna skupaj z vitko dolgo streho, končano z nežnim naklonom nad vetrobranskim steklom, ustvarjajo vtis vitkosti in dostojanstva.

Standard eq. of the Balt 1018 Titanium
Colour white
Handmade polyester laminate
Water line stripes – black or white
Panoramic window plexi on the right and left board
Decorative batten – both sides
Laminated aft bathing platform with 4 step ladder and handle
Colour white
Handmade polyester laminate, sandwich constr.
Anti-slip surface
Anchor locker
Full railing
2 aft pulpits
2 handrailings on the roof
Steel roof support in mess under the roof
2 handles on the roof columns
4 mooring cleats: 2 on the bow, 2 on the aft
Wheelhouse with hard top (colour RAL7032), windscreen and side windows made of glass (side windows tinted, front – full transparent)
2 sliding openings in side windows on the left and right.
Ventilation openings on the top of front window with regulated locking
1 decks hatch in bow cabin
1 opening porthole in WC-cabin
Laminated seat on the bow
Self draining cockpit with 2 compartments
Gas bottle station
Laminated bench on the aft with Inox backrest/handrail
Folding cockpit closure (addtional seat)
Sliding cockpit glas door at the back of the saloon
Interior made in HPL-board (Polish oak, nut)
Floor in HPL-board (artificial teak, with dark stripes, bolted)
Mattresses in cabin with upholstery (colour to choose)
Closable double bow cabin, with shelfs and locker on the left side.
Lockable double left aft cabin with shelves, lockable right aft cabin with shelves as a wardrobe.
opening hatches for aft cabins,from the boards.
Closed laminated toilet cabin, with washbasin,
Steering consol with steering wheel
Front dark decorative panels under the windscreen
Skipper seat + backrest and cabinet under the seat
Passenger seat with convertible backrest
Inox sink with integrated 2-flames gas cooker
Chrom-plated water tap for cold water (folding)
HPL-board kitchen top
Shelfs and cabinets in galley
Garbage can
Stairs to the roof
Sliding hatch – entrance to the roof
Anti-slip surface
Steering consol with transmission steering wheel
Skipper seat
Console and skipper’s seat cover
Windscreen plexi
Railing on the left
Railing on the aft
Railing on the steering console
Cup holder
Water outlet
Interior and wheelhouse LED lighting, separete switchers
Ambiente lighting in cabins and in mess (hidden LED lighting)
Master electric switch panel
Main switch (fuse)
1 USB socket on the steering consol in mess and on flybridge
2 electrical bilge pumps
House battery 110h (gel)
Fresh water tank 130L (in bow part of the boat)
Water analog indicator with sensor
Water installation with automat.water pump
Gas installation with gas-reducer
Hydraulical steering system for outboard <150HP
Plastic fuel tank 120L



Cena plovila velja z standart opremo, in že vsebuje slovenski 22% ddv.

Neto cena brez davka je 110.000 €